
The most frequent reason for consultation when talking about the musculoskeletal system is pain, going from very mild but annoying pain to very severe and incapacitating pain.

Nowadays, there are many therapeutic options to deal with each type of pain. However, sometimes the ineffectiveness of these and their ability to develop adverse effects makes them unreliable for patients, who prefer to put up with the pain or resort to other treatment options.

Fortunately, regenerative medicine has arrived to revolutionize this aspect of pain therapeutics, offering multiple options with high effectiveness, very few adverse effects, and almost no invasiveness. Here are some of these methods:

  • Growth factors. Being naturally produced essential elements for human being development, administering an injection of a prepared solution with these factors in it can promote good cellular differentiation and proliferation for regenerative purposes.
  • Amniotic fluid. The fluid that surrounds us when we are just embryos, amniotic fluid contains a wide range of natural and regenerative elements, such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, growth factors, cytokines, etc. By administering this, patients can achieve cellular regeneration, tissue repair, and inflammation control.
  • Regenerative Medicine Injections. Molecules involved in intercellular communication and transport of genetic material. These behave like messengers, transporting and communicating genetic information to other cells, ensuring processes that promote healing mechanisms in favor of the organism.

By scheduling an appointment with experts like Dr. Edward A. Nash over at Progressive Pain & Rehabilitation, we can make you return to your daily activities in the shortest possible time through the application of preventative and regenerative care techniques that will give you the boost your body needs to heal itself and be capable of face everything in its way.

For more information about this topic and so much more, contact us at 346-220-8063. Our team of experts based in the luxuriously planned community of The Woodlands, TX, will be available during working hours to answer all your inquiries and support you in your path to wellness.

Or, if you prefer, schedule your appointment at https://drnashcares.com/appointment/ and you will receive the proper attention your case requires.